Sting – Fortress Around Your Heart

My favorite Sting song since 1985, from Sting’s debut solo album The Dream of the Blue Turtles. Featuring some of the best young jazz artists of the day: the late great Kenny Kirkland, keyboards; Branford Marsalis, soprano sax; Omar Hakim, drums; Darryl Jones, bass. Although, I think I once read somewhere that Sting played bass for this song on the album. Not sure…

Anyway, Branford’s soprano sax lines were some of the coolest I’d ever heard, and always have my attention when I listen to the album. So it was inevitable that at some stage I would transcribe them and record as best I could on trumpet.

Despite this being a blog for trumpet transcriptions, here’s my soprano sax transcription…


Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart - Soprano Sax chart. Transcribed by Gary Badger -

Transcribed by me and free for you to use.

What do you think? Please leave a comment and let me know.

Be sure to check out my other Sting transcriptions!

3 thoughts on “Sting – Fortress Around Your Heart

  1. Pingback: My EPIC Bandhub Collab Collection – Gary Badger's Trumpet Transcriptions

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